Railways and Airports and Harbour Engineering [Civil Department]


Railways and Airports and Harbour Engineering [Civil Department]

Railways and Airports and Harbour Engineering


1. Road classification
2. Developments in Indian Railways
3. Different Modes of Transport
4. Organization of Indian Railways
5. Indian Railway Finances and their Control
6. Commission of Railway Safety
7. Long term Corporate Plan of Indian Railways
8. Classification of Railway Lines in India
9. General Features of Indian Railways
10. Important Statistics of Indian Railways
11. Undertakings Under Ministry of Railways
12. Gauges on World Railways
13. Different Gauges on Indian Railways
14. Choice of Gauge
15. Problems Caused by Change of Gauge
16. Uni-gauge Policy of Indian Railways
17. Loading and Construction Gauge
18. Importance of Good Railway Lines Alignment
19. Basic Requirements of an Ideal Alignment of Railway Lines
20. Selection of a Good Alignment of Railway Lines
21. Mountain Railways and Rack Railways
22. Need for Construction of a New Railway Line
23. Preliminary Investigations for a New Railway Line
24. Types of Railway Construction Surveys
25. Railway Traffic Survey
26. Railway Reconnaissance Survey
27. Railway Preliminary Survey
28. Railway Final Location Survey
29. Modern Railway Surveying Techniques for Difficult Terrain
30. Construction of New Railway Lines
31. Track and Track Stresses - Introduction
32. Requirements of a Good Railway Track
33. Railway Track: Maintenance of Permanent Way
34. Railway Track as an Elastic Structure
35. Stresses on the Railway Track
36. Vertical Loads on Railway
37. Forces Acting on the Railway Track
38. Coning of Wheels
39. Tilting of Rails
40. Function of Rails
41. Types of Rails
42. Requirements for an Ideal Rail Section
43. Rail Manufacture
44. Rail Wear
45. Some Defects in Rails
46. Rail Failure
47. Rail Flaw Detection
48. Theory of Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detectors
49. Kraut Kramer Multi Probe Rail Testing Trolley
50. Classification of Rail Flaws
51. Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Testing Car
52. Self-propelled Ultrasonic Rail Testing Car
53. Need-based Concept of USFD Testing
54. Functions and Requirements of Sleepers
55. Sleeper Density and Spacing of Sleepers
56. Types of Sleepers on Indian Railways
57. Types of Sleepers on Indian Railways
58. Wooden Sleepers
59. Steel Channel Sleepers
60. Cast Iron Sleepers
61. Concrete Sleepers
62. Types of concrete sleepers
63. Sleepers for Turnouts
64. Manufacture of concrete sleepers
65. Testing of concrete sleepers
66. Concrete sleepers: Handling, Prohibited Locations
67. Concrete sleepers: Laying
68. Maintenance of Concrete sleepers
69. Concrete sleepers: Derailment
70. Concrete Sleepers on Indian Railways
71. Treated and Untreated Sleepers
72. Functions of Ballast
73. Types of Ballast
74. Sizes of Ballast
75. Requirements of a Good Ballast
76. Design of Ballast Section
77. Specifications for Track Ballast
78. Collection and Transportation of Ballasts
79. Methods of ballast Measurement
80. Laboratory Tests for Physical Properties of Ballast
81. Assessment of Ballast Requirements
82. Guidelines for Provision of Sub-ballast
83. Subgrade and Formation
84. Railway Engineering: Slopes of Formation
85. Execution of Earthwork in Embankments and Cuttings
86. Blanket and Blanketing Material
87. Failure of Railway Embankment
88. Railway Formation: Site Investigations
89. Rail to Rail Fastenings
90. Fittings for Wooden Sleepers
91. Fittings of Steel Trough Sleepers
92. Fittings of CI Sleepers
93. Elastic Fastenings
94. Some Fittings and Fastenings
95. Testing of Fastenings
96. Theories for the Development of Creep
97. Causes of Creep
98. Effects of Creep
99. Measurement of Creep
100. Adjustment of Creep
101. Creep Adjuster
102. Portions of Track Susceptible to Creep and Measures to Reduce Creep
103. Necessity for Geometric Design of Track
104. Gradients of Track
105. Railway Engineering Curves and Super elevation: Circular Curves
106. Railway Engineering: Superelevation
107. Railway Engineering: Safe Speed on Curves
108. Railway Engineering:Transition Curve
109. Railway Engineering: Compound and Reverse Curve
110. Railway Engineering: Extra Clearance on Curves
111. Railway Engineering: Widening of Gauge on Curves
112. Railway Engineering: Vertical Curves
113. Railway Engineering: Realignment of Curves
114. Cutting Rails on Curves
115. Check Rails on Curves
116. Railway Engineering: Points and Crossings - Important Terms
117. Railway Engineering: Switches
118. Design and Length of Tongue Rails
119. Railway Engineering: Crossing
120. Number and Angle of Railway Crossing
121. Reconditioning of Worn Out Railway Crossings
122. Railway Engineering: Turnouts
123. Trends in Turnout Design on Indian Railways
124. Inspection and Maintenance of Railway Points and Crossings
125. Railway Track Junctions: Turnout of Similar and Contrary Flexure
126. Railway Track Junctions: Symmetrical Split
127. Railway Track Junctions: Three throw Switch
128. Railway Track Junctions: Double Turnout
129. Crossover Between Two Parallel Railway Tracks with an Intermediate Straight Length
130. Railway Track Junctions: Diamond Crossing
131. Railway Track Junctions: Scissors Crossover
132. Gauntletted Railway Track
133. Railway Track Junctions: Gathering Line
134. Railway Track Junctions: Triangle
135. Railway Track Junctions: Double Junctions
136. Ill Effects of a Rail Joint
137. Requirements of an Ideal Rail Joint
138. Types of Rail Joints
139. Welding a Rail Joint methods used on railways
140. Gas Pressure Welding
141. Electric or Metal Arc Welding
142. Flash Butt Welding
143. Thermit Welding of Rails
144. Recent Developments in Welding Techniques
145. Modern Welded Railway Track
146. Development of Welded Rails
147. Theory of Long Welded Rails
148. Prohibited Locations for LWR(Long Welded Rails)
149. Track Structure for LWR(Long Welded Rails)
150. Rail Temperature and its Measurement
151. Maintenance of Long Welded Rails
152. Switch Expansion Joint
153. Buffer Rails
154. Short Welded Rails
155. Continuous Welded Rails
156. Buckling of Rail Track
157. Necessity and Advantages of Track Maintenance
158. Essentials of Track Maintenance
159. Measuring Equipment and Maintenance Tools for Railway Tracks
160. Maintenance of Rail Surface
161. Deep Screening of Ballast
162. Maintenance of Track in Track-circuited Lengths
163. Organization Structure for Railway Track Maintenance
164. Protection of Railway Track for Engineering Work
165. Patrolling of Railway Tracks
166. Railway Track Tolerances
167. Need for Proper Track Drainage
168. Sources of Percolated Water in the Railway Track
169. Requirements of a Good Track Drainage System
170. Practical Tips for Good Surface Drainage
171. Track Drainage Systems
172. Sub surface Drainage
173. Modern Methods of Railway Track Maintenance
174. Mechanized Methods of Railway Track Maintenance
175. Railway: Off-Track Tampers: Use and Limitations
176. Principles of Working of Railway On track Tampers
177. Future of Track Machines on Indian Railways
178. Measured Shovel Packing
179. Essentials of MSP(Measured Shovel Packing)
180. Advantages and Disadvantages of Measured Shovel Packing
181. Equipment Used in Measured Shovel Packing
182. Through MSP(Measured Shovel Packing) of Flat Bottomed Sleeper Tracks
183. Measured Shovel Packing(MSP) of Joint Wooden Sleepers on Metal Sleeper Track
184. Dehogging of Rail Ends
185. Measured Shovel Packing(MSP) of Turnouts
186. Directed Track Maintenance
187. Rehabilitation and Renewal of Track
188. Classification of Track Renewal Works
189. Criteria for Rail Renewals
190. Through Sleeper Renewals
191. Execution of Track Renewal or Track Re-laying Work
192. Renewal of Rail Track: Mechanized Re-laying
193. Track Renewal Trains
194. Renewal of Rail Track: Requirement of Track Material
195. Train Accidents
196. Classification of Railways Accidents
197. Derailment and its Causes
198. Restoration of Traffic
199. Train: Flood Causeway
200. Safety Measures on Indian Railways
201. Railway Disaster Management
202. Classification of Railway Level Crossings
203. Dimensions of Railway Level Crossings
204. Accidents at Railway Level Crossings and Remedial Measures
205. Maintenance of Railway Level Crossings
206. Inspection of Level Crossings by PWI and AEN
207. Types of Traction
208. Railway: Nomenclature of Steam Locomotives
209. Railway: Classification of Locomotives
210. Railway: Preventive Maintenance of Locomotives
211. Railway Rolling Stock
212. Rail Brake Systems
213. Maintenance of Coaches and Wagons
214. Design Features of Modern Coaching and Goods Stock
215. Train Resistance Due to Friction
216. Train Resistance Due to Wave Action
217. Train Resistance Due to Wind
218. Train Resistance Due to Gradient
219. Train Resistance Due to Curvature
220. Train Resistance Due to Starting and Accelerating
221. Train Tractive Effort of a Locomotive
222. Hauling Power of a Locomotive
223. Purpose of a Railway Station
224. Selection of Site for a Railway Station
225. Facilities Required at Railway Stations
226. Requirements of a Passenger Station Yard
227. Classification of Railway Stations
228. Railway Block Stations
229. Functional Classification of Railway Stations
230. Railway Station Platforms
231. Main Building Areas for Different Types of Railway Stations
232. Types of Railway Yards
233. Catch Sidings and Slip Sidings
234. Equipment at Railway Stations
235. Types of Indian Railways platforms
236. Equipment at Railway Stations: Locomotive Sheds
237. Railways: Layout of Locomotive Sheds
238. Railways: Essentials of a Well Laid Out Locomotive Shed
239. Ashpits or de-ashing Pits in Railway Stations
240. A turntable in Railway Stations
241. Construction of New Railway Lines
242. Railway Plate Laying or Track Linking
243. Requirement of Track Material for BG Track
244. Doubling of Railway Lines
245. Gauge Conversion
246. Execution of Gauge Conversion Projects
247. Civil Engineering Works of Gauge Conversion Projects
248. Suburban Railways in Metro Cities
249. Urban Transport
250. Surface Railways
251. Underground Railways
252. Tube Railways
253. The Delhi Ring Railways
254. Mass Rapid Transit System in Delhi
255. Kolkata Metro Railway
256. Mumbai and Chennai Suburban System
257. Necessity/Advantages of a Railway Tunnel
258. Railway Tunnelling: Tunnel Alignment and Gradient
259. Railway Tunnelling: Size and Shape of a Tunnel
260. Methods of Railway Tunnelling
261. Railway Tunnelling in Hard Rocks
262. Railway Tunnelling in Soft Ground or Soft Rock
263. Railway Tunnelling Through Water-bearing Strata
264. Compressed Air Tunnelling
265. Railway Tunnelling: Ventilation of Tunnels
266. Railway Tunnelling: Lighting, Drainage, Shaft of Tunnels
267. Railway Tunnelling: Lining of Tunnels
268. Maintenance of Railway Tunnels
269. Safety in Railway Tunnel Construction
270. Objectives of Railway Signalling
271. Classification of Railway Signals
272. Various Types of Fixed Signals used on railways
273. Types of Stop Signals used on railways
274. Railway Signalling Systems
275. Mechanical Signalling System used in Railways
276. Electrical Signalling System used in Railways
277. Systems for and Methods of Controlling Train Movement
278. Railway Interlocking
279. Modern Signalling Installations in Railways
280. Modernization of Railways and High Speed Trains
281. Modernization of Railways
282. Effect of High-speed Track
283. Vehicle Performance on Track
284. High-speed Ground Transportation System
285. Ballastless Track


1. Railway Rolling Stock
2. Railway Station Planning
3. The Evolution of Steam Motive Power
4. The Advent and Development of Electric Traction
5. Diesel Traction
6. Evolution of Wheel Layout
7. Changes in Locomotive Maintenance Practices
8. Railway Sleeper Functions
9. Train Performance Issues on Metros and Light Rail
10. Freight Rolling Stock
11. Specialised Engineering Rolling Stock
12. Materials for Track Ballast
13. Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (Monobloc)
14. Rail Fastenings, Baseplates and Pads
15. Rails
16. Rail Wear
17. Desirability of Removing Rail Joints
18. The Introduction of Track Welding
19. Shop Welding to Produce Long Rails
20. Site Welding to Produce CWR


1. Airport Planning: Introduction
2. The Airport System Plan
3. Airport Site Selection
4. The Airport Master Plan
5. The Airport Project Plan
6. Airport Planning: Land Use Planning
7. Airport Planning: Environmental Impact Assessment
8. Airport Planning: Economic and Financial Feasibility
9. Airport Classification
10. Utility Airports and Transport Airports
11. Airport Planning: Runways
12. Airport Planning: Runways - The Wind Rose
13. Estimating Runway Length
14. Runway System Geometric Specifications
15. Parallel Runway System Spacing
16. Airport Planning: Sight Distance and Longitudinal Profile
17. Airport Planning: Transverse Gradient
18. Taxiways and Taxilanes
19. Exit Taxiway Geometry and Location of Exit Taxiways


1. Airport: The Requirements for Visual Aids
2. The Airport Beacon
3. The Aircraft Landing Operation
4. Airport: Visual Approach Slope Indicator
5. Airport: Runway Lighting
6. Airport: Taxiway Lighting
7. Runway and Taxiway Marking


1. harbors: Loading and Unloading Facilities
2. harbors: Tank Vessels
3. harbors: Loading and Unloading Operations
4. Harbors: Loading Factors
5. Harbors: Preliminary Procedures before a ship is loaded or unloaded
6. Harbors: Preparing Waterfront Operations Log Sheet
7. Harbors: Fire And Safety Precautions
8. Harbors: Spills
9. Safe Handling of Jet Fuel and Kerosene
10. Harbors: Loading Procedures
11. Harbors: Unloading Procedures
